What the hell have I done…
One year of development and a season of MLP later, Day Dreaming Derpy went from a weird fanfic in my head to a full-fledged game… with mechanics… and nuances showcasing subversive JRPG design…
and a gameplay formula that reinforces the role of a struggling single parent within the world of magical horses..
Yeah, I didn’t know that could work so well, but here we are.
So post-release dev log!
For the bugs! For those who have v1.0, there was a rather poignant one that replayed certain cutscenes near the end of the game, thus letting certain party members to follow Derpy outside their intended area. It is essentially harmless as it doesn’t affect gameplay on the first playthrough. But to tie things up, the v1.1 patch can remedy that if it causes any problems, however it isn’t necessary as the full game can be experienced without it.
For Mac-users! It’s probably pertinent to mention that since the file that contains the game is an .exe, you wouldn’t be able to unpack it normally- the same goes for the RTP that is required to run the game. There are, however emulators that can help you play on Mac (I believe a reliable one is Wine).
As for future bugs, feel free to report more to me if encountered! It will only help make a smoother experience for future players.
Didn’t think it’d be here so soon, but I really want to take the chance to say THANK YOU to everyone who’s taken the time to download, comment, and even look up Day Dreaming Derpy! It was a great learning-experience from start to finish and it’s amazing that it’s gotten this big! Also BIG thanks for the all the music provided by the talented individuals who volunteered! I’ve linked them before but I’ll link them again here. Check them out!
CassettePone (Joel Basar)
TheNGVirus - thengvirus.newgrounds.com
KaminaKat - www.youtube.com/user/KaminaKat/
Thank you all for the opportunity.
Now for future plans… honestly anything’s possible, but I will need to take five before throwing myself back into the fire again. However, I would like to continue making games and other quirky doo-dads for you all.