Happy New Years everyone!
Aside from performing the blood sacrifices to get the demo done and trying (and failing) at keeping the sickness at bay, I’ve been keeping the holiday spirit alive here at my end to varying degrees. So to greet ya’ll for the new year, here’s a list of things that are fully implemented or nearly completed.
- First “dungeon” implemented with dialogue and arc
- Title screen graphic completed (press start to continue)
- Second “dungeon” implemented
- Intro sequence completed
- Battler sprites and side-view battle system implemented
- Dreamworld Hub implemented(above)
- I just realized the it looks a LOT like Yume Nikki’s hubworld. What with all the doors and all.
- Imitation is best form of flattery @~@
Not exactly a large list, but that takes care of the majority of the demo! Things that remain to be done are the real world locations and polish on the already completed segments! In terms of the release of the demo, I’ll be working nonstop in the coming days to get this to you guys sometime this month.
Hopefully this ol’ body of mine can hold out until then o~o
Ya’ll have a good new year~!